Dr. Blacklung, I Presume?, Part 25

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Dr. Blacklung, I Presume
By:  slimv

Chapter 25: Family Dynamics

Jim Benson returned to his home to find the door to his bedroom closed.  He
knocked gently on the door in hopes that no one would hear him.  That being
the case, he would leave the two packs of Marlboros by the door and exit the
way he came in.

"It's open," called Amanda.  

He turned the knob of the door and entered, not knowing what to expect.

He blushed as he saw his wife in bed with their son.  They were naked, their
clothes lying in a pile beside the bed.  Kenny didn't even lift his head to
acknowledge him as he nuzzled at Amanda's breasts.  There on the nightstand
were the remnants of a used cigar.  A freshly lit Montecristo mocked him from
his wife's smug face. 

Jim waved his hand in front of his face, trying to clear a path through the
thick smoke.  "My God Amanda!  How can you breath in here.  For Christ's
sake, open a window or something".  

"How dare you take the Lord's name in vain!" shouted Amanda from her bed.
Her volume was enough to make Kenny surface from her breasts.  Drool clung to
his lips and he wiped it away with his hand.

Kenny felt uneasy to say the least but his mom had explained things to him
while his father had been out.  She had told him about all the years of
frustration and about how she felt being under his father's thumb.  She told
him about how his father couldn't satisfy her physically any more.  And she
told him all about the cigars and the smoking and about the man named Ray,
whom she had met at the cigar store.

She confessed the guilt she felt for going outside the marriage and how she
needed him.  It was OK if it was within the family she said.  And the things
she told him about Katie made sense.  Katie was gone and there was nothing he
could do about it.  She'd want him to be happy and his mom could make him
happy and he believed her.  And he wanted her to be happy.

She had told him how her and her father's love life had been lacking.  She
told him about wanting another child and he wanted to give her one.  

"Amanda, what are you doing?  Look at the two of you.  Don't you understand
how wrong this is?"

Jim cowered under his wife's glare.  He watched as she removed the cigar from
her mouth and inhaled t he thick smoked deep into her lungs.

"How can you do that," he asked?  "Don't you know how bad cigar smoke is for
your lungs?  Those aren't cigarettes Honey.  You're not supposed to inhale

"First of all," stated Amanda, "Don't call me Honey.  I'm not your honey any
more.  Second of all, you have no idea what you're talking about.  If you
only knew how good this makes me feel.  But course there's no way in the
world a pitiful excuse for a man like you could ever know.  You're not man
enough to smoke, but your son is.  Just look at this," she said as she raised
the cigar to her mouth.

Jim watched in horror as Amanda pulled Kenny's face to hers and forced the
contents of her lungs into his mouth.  She pulled away and smiled back at Jim
as Kenny inhaled her gift.

"What are you doing to him Amanda?  Can't you see that's killing him," asked

"I'm making a man out of him Jim.  Something your mother should have done for
you years before you darkened my life!"  And wi th that said, she gave
Kenny's lungs another charge of recycled smoke from the Montecristo.

"Enough is enough Amanda.  I don't know what's gotten into you but this is
wrong and I'm not going to stand by while you destroy our son.  For crying
out loud, his girlfriend just died and it wasn't from eating too many
jellybeans.  How can you sit there with a straight face and tell me your
making him into a man by teaching him to smoke and God knows what else?  This
is it Amanda.  I'm leaving and I'm calling a lawyer and I'm going to divorce
you and I'll get custody of Kenny too.  You mark my words Amanda.  That's
what I'm going to do."

Amanda stared him down as she pulled on her cigar.  "You'll do nothing of the
sort.  I am not going to let you drag my good name through the mud for doing
something I should have done years ago.  You will stay here in this house for
as long as I want you here and it will be under my terms.  Think about it you
little shit.  What would all your high and mighty friends say if you divorced
me?  I don't know what they'd say for sure but I can tell you this.  They'd
laugh you out of the church.  Oh no Buster.  You aren't going anywhere.  Now
come here and let me show you what a real man looks like and bring those God
damn cigarettes I told you to get."

Jim grudgingly allowed his legs to carry him toward the bed.

She grinned as she blew her smoke his way.  "Look at this," she said as she
pulled the sheets off of Kenny, exposing his erect penis.  "This is what a
real man's penis looks like in case you've forgotten.  I've been married to
you so long that I forgot so imagine my surprise when I saw this.  Take a
good look Jim.  This is why you're out of the bed and Kenny is in the bed".

"So this is all about sex?" asked Jim as he dropped the two packs of
Marlboros on the bed.

"No Jim, this is about keeping our family together," said Amanda.  I love you
but things changed when I started smoking.  You know that and I know that and
now Kenny knows that.  I want to keep smoking and I need to be with a man
that smokes.  You can't be that man for me but Kenny can.  We made love while
you were out and it was fantastic.  Maybe some day you can watch and see how
happy he makes me, and then maybe you'll understand why things have to be
this way.  But for now you just need to understand that our family dynamics
have changed."

"What she means," said Kenny as he opened a pack of Marlboros, "is that for
now on, I'm the man of the house."

Jim said nothing as Kenny put a Marlboro in his mouth while Amanda lit it for

Amanda exhaled a lung full of smoke and smiled sweetly at Jim.  "If today is
any indication of things to come, you'll be a grandfather in no time.
Doesn't that sound wonderful?"

Kenny took his mom's lighter and lit up.  He took a small puff and inhaled as
he fought the urge to cough.  It was important that he maintain his composure
in front of his father.

"I know how weird this must seem to you," said Kenny.  "It's weird to me too,
but if you think about it, well it makes a lot of sense.  You know how much
smoking bothers you.  You can't be with mom now that she's a smoker.  And
from the way she tells it, you couldn't be with her the way she needs even if
she didn't smoke."

Jim mounted a last ditch effort to win back his place in his wife's bed.
"It's not like you think," he said.  "I really like it when your mom smokes.
It's just that it makes me act funny.  I can't explain it.  It's like what's
happening now.  This isn't me."

He turned to Amanda and pleaded.  "I could get used to it Honey.  Just let
things go back to the way they used to be.  I could even start smoking."

"Sorry Jimbo," said Amanda as she trimmed the ash of her Montecristo.  "Kenny
and I discussed it while you were out.  Smoking is something that should be
done by either a man or a woman and since you are neither, well you
understand.  Smoking is for adults."  She turned to Kenny and kissed him on
the lips.  "Right Honey?"

"Yeah Mom," said Kenny.

"So what are you saying," asked Jim?  "Are you telling me that Kenny is
taking my place"?

"Well for starters, yes," said Amanda.  "Of course it's a little more
complicated than that.  Obviously you'll be moving into Kenny's old room
because Kenny will be sleeping with me from now on.  But you can't expect to
live here with us and not earn your keep."

Amanda took a deep pull from the Montecristo and inhaled its lush thick
smoke.  "These are so good," she said as she admired the cigar in her hand.
"And very expensive too, I'm afraid.  They're $750 for a box of 25 and I plan
on smoking at least five a day.  Kenny and I figured it up while you were
out.  I'd like to see my baby smoking at least three packs a day.  That
sounds so yummy doesn't it?  We may be off by a couple dollars or so but
Kenny thinks it's going cost around $4,500 a month to keep me in my
Montecristos and at least another $300 a month for his cigarettes.  You're
going to have to get a second job, aren't you Jimbo?"

Jim hung his head but Amanda wasn't finished with him yet.

"You also have to realize that Kenny and I are a couple now.  We're going to
be spending a lot of time trying to make a grand child for you, so you're
going to have to start pulling your weight around here if you expect to live
with us.  There's all the cooking and cleaning to think of.  You know I won't
have time for those things now, so we expect you to do your best in making
our little house a home."

"But what will our friends say," whined Jim?  "They won't know about the
incest but they'll see the two of you smoking.  How will we explain that?"

"You'll tell them the truth," said Amanda.  "I won't stand for any lies.
You'll tell them that Kenny and I have started smoking and we enjoy it and
you're happy for us.  You'll tell them that Kenny has taken your place in my
bed and he's fucking my brains out, of course you won't use the fuck w ord.
Say something like; Kenny's satisfying my needs because your not man enough
to do it your self.  That sounds much more polite, don't you think?"

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